Main Objective:

The objective of the MarinTrust IP is to implement a robust and credible programme, allied to the MarinTrust Version 2.0 standard, at approved MarinTrust IP factories which at present are struggling to meet the MarinTrust Version 2.0 standard certification criteria. Implementation of this Improver Programme will allow MarinTrust IP factories to reach compliance with the MarinTrust Version 2.0 standard in a defined period of time.

Key Activities:

  • To develop the MarinTrust IP Application Mechanism for MarinTrust GBC approval.
  • To keep the MarinTrust IP Application Mechanism procedures under review, to ensure their relevance to current practice and market requirements.
  • Provide knowledge and guidance that will contribute to accurate interpretation, development and alignment of the MarinTrust IP for assessment purposes.
  • Provide advice by way of decisions, proceedings, and meeting minutes to the MarinTrust GBC on any amendments considered to be necessary to ensure the accuracy, relevance and credibility of the MarinTrust IP programme.
  • Provide input and advice on documents prepared on the IPAC interpretation of the MarinTrust IP Application Criteria and supporting MarinTrust IP guidance documentation used in the assessment of applicants as the programme develops and evolves.
  • Monitor any changes to the relevant Normative Reference documents or standards, or newly issued FAO guidance relevant to fishery assessment or legislative documentation that are used in the MarinTrust programme and incorporate the required amendments into the MarinTrust IP Application Criteria.

MarinTrust Improver Programme Application Committee (IPAC): 

  • Daniel Lee
  • Francisco Aldon
  • Indrani Lutchman
  • Pham Viet Anh
  • Jorge Diaz Salinas
  • Marcelo Hidalgo

Biographies can be found below.

Seeking new members and Chair 

MarinTrust is seeking new members and Chair of the MarinTrust Improver Programme Application Committee (IPAC), details below:

  • There are two types of meeting, application meetings to discuss new FIPs applying to the Improver Programme or to confirm continued acceptance of those FIPs on the IP, and procedural meetings which focus on the continued development of the programme.
  • A meeting pack with all relevant information and documentation is provided to the IPAC 2 weeks before the meeting. This will also include all questions to be put to the committee during the meeting.
  • Meetings are held around 4-5 times a year and are generally 2 hours long.

Requirements if interested:

  • CV
  • Short bio
  • Key points outlining what you can bring to the committee (for example, regional or supply chain representation, knowledge of Fishery Improvement Projects, other committee involvement)

For expressions of interest or further enquiries, please contact our Impact Manager Nicola Clark -

Francisco Aldon


Francisco has been with MarinTrust, the leading Certification Program for Marine Ingredients, from its early development within IFFO (the marine ingredients organisation), to becoming the CEO of MarinTrust in 2020. With over 15 years of experience in the food sector, specialising in marine ingredients, Francisco has unique expertise in responsible sourcing, sustainable production practices, and digital traceability in the marine ingredient supply chain. This expertise in traceability led him to join the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) Supervisory Board, while also contributing to the Technical Committee shaping the GSA Seafood Processing Standard. Since 2014, Francisco has also been focused on fisheries for reduction in South East Asia and Latin America through the MarinTrust Improver Programme, resulting in positive changes at the legislative level of previously struggling fisheries. All of this is part of his overall mission of cementing the future of marine ingredients as vital and sustainable sources of nutrition for the world.

Francisco holds a MSc in Fisheries Engineering from UNALM (Peru) and a MSc in Marine Ecology and Environmental Management from Queen Mary University (London).

Daniel Lee

Daniel Lee is a multilingual aquaculture specialist with expertise in the implementation of new projects and the development of certification standards. He has been the Standards Coordinator for The Global Seafood Alliance (formerly the Global Aquaculture Alliance) since the program’s inception. He works closely with GSA’s Standards’ Oversight Committee and helps guide and coordinate its technical committees. Lee is also an honorary lecturer at the Centre for Applied Marine Sciences, Bangor University, UK, where he has worked on European aquaculture projects, developing systems with minimal impacts. He co-wrote the textbook Crustacean Farming, Ranching and Culture.

Indrani Lutchman

Indrani (Drin) Lutchman is SFP’s Program Director for FIP Evaluations and External Relations, is responsible for SFP’s FIP evaluation tool and FIP ratings used by a range of NGOs and business for monitoring FIP progress. She is a marine biologist and fisheries scientist with extensive experience of leading successful projects/programs on marine and fisheries issues in Europe, Caribbean, Antarctica and UK Overseas Territories including the Falkland Islands and Gibraltar funded by governmental and non-governmental donors including the European Commission and Parliament, the Oak Foundation, Pew Charitable Trust and the Marine Stewardship Council. She has a solid academic knowledge of fisheries management and strategic and political experience from her participation in the negotiations of the UN Agreement on Straddling and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (UNFSA) and the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing - instruments which set the principles for sustainable fishing used as the basis the international, regional and national standard setting initiatives.

Pham Viet Anh

Pham Viet Anh

Pham Viet Anh has a Masters in fisheries management and a PhD in applied ecology from the universities of Bergen and Ghent respectively.

From 2003 to 2006, he worked for the Research Institute for Marine Fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Viet Nam as a fisheries scientist on marine stock assessment and biology.

From 2008-2018 he worked for the Directorate of Fisheries, a management authority under MARD, responsible for fisheries’ sustainable development and management, especially the prevention and elimination of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. At the same time, he was nominated as a national coordinator of a project funded by GEF/UNDP for managing tuna fisheries to support Viet Nam in complying with the requirements of the Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organization of Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. He was also selected as a focal point of the FAO funding project Strategies for Trawl Fisheries Bycatch Management for bycatch mitigation of trawl fisheries in Viet Nam.

From 2018 to now, he is a Technical Key Account Manager at GLOBALG.A.P. He is responsible for Aquaculture by providing technical support for certification bodies, farm assurers and other stakeholders regarding implementation of the GLOBALG.A.P. standards, including the Compound Feed Manufacturing standard. He has also been involved on the revision and development process of the GLOBALG.A.P. Aquaculture related standards.

Marcello Hidalgo

Marcelo Hidalgo

Marcelo Hidalgo has more than 25 years of experience in the Seafood Supply Value Chain; having advised large retail companies, tuna fleets, seafood processing suppliers, NGOs, and government in the application and improvement of responsible sourcing and sustainable practices creating a change that will drive the global seafood supply value chain. He has experience in farm management, standard development, strategic planning, and stakeholder engagement; as a lead assessor for ASC and MSC standards with more than 15 years of audit experience including other social, environmental, and traceability schemes and standards. Marcelo developed and implemented the Responsible Sourcing Policy (RSP) Initiative of PNG, and he is currently involved in several board committees GSSI, GDST, FISH, GSA, MSC STAC, and AQUALIT.

Jorge Díaz Salinas

Jorge is the Sustainability Director at Skretting, where he collaborates with global and local teams to implement the Sustainability RoadMap 2025 and fulfil the company’s purpose of “Feeding the Future.” He holds an MSc in International Marketing from King’s College London and has studied Corporate Sustainability at New York University.