The FIP process
Once accepted onto the Improver Programme, applicants have a structured improvement journey for the fishery mapped out with agreed milestones and a timeframe that must be met in order to aim for MarinTrust certification.
The first step in this process is for the interested marine ingredient producers and other interested parties to build the relevant relationships and start developing a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) for the fishery in question. This is done by conducting a gap analysis against the MarinTrust Fishery Assessment and identifying specific areas for improvement. It is crucial that local stakeholders including industry, government, relevant NGOs and other interested parties take ownership of this work from the start to ensure longevity of improvements. This is what the Fishery Improvement Project is about. Once the main improvement objectives and an associated action plan for the fishery have been established, including relevant stakeholder responsibilities and commitments, the production facilities and interested parties submit an application for the FIP to MarinTrust.
Consultation and confirmation of intent to apply to the programme with MarinTrust prior to any new application is required.
There is then a comprehensive application process and progress monitoring with third-party peer reviews and the MarinTrust Improver Programme Application Committee, or IPAC. The IPAC is an objective-based multi-stakeholder group. Its function is to maintain a robust and credible application and review process and ensure that only progressive and committed applicants are accepted onto the programme.
A marine ingredient production facility wishing to use the MarinTrust Improver Programme claim must pass a MarinTrust audit for that facility and be part of an accepted Fishery Improvement Project. Once a facility is accepted onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme, information of the facility is listed on the Improver Programme Accepted facility page of the MarinTrust website and it must continue to comply with the MarinTrust audit requirements every year for the duration of the FIP.
The MarinTrust Improver Programme is recognised as part of the marine ingredient requirements in leading feed standards such as the BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices), Global GAP and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council). By helping drive change in fisheries around the world, the MarinTrust Improver Programme is a key step in this direction.
Marine ingredients produced using the Accepted FIP raw material may be sold as a MarinTrust Improver Programme product. This production must be segregated from any certified or non-assessed product at all times in order to maintain a claim.
Responsible sourcing and manufacturing of marine ingredients is vital to keep providing quality feed that will help produce quality food for a growing population, sustainably.
FIP Ratings: SFP's FIP Evaluation Tool serves as a comprehensive framework for defining and evaluating Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) across a six-stage spectrum of accomplishments by integrating time-based benchmarks and assigning a corresponding letter grade A-E to highlight the pace of progress by a FIP on its workplan.