The FIP process

Once accepted onto the Improver Programme, applicants have a structured improvement journey for the fishery mapped out with agreed milestones and a timeframe that must be met in order to aim for MarinTrust certification. 

The first step in this process is for the interested marine ingredient producers and other interested parties to build the relevant relationships and start developing a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) for the fishery in question. This is done by conducting a gap analysis against the MarinTrust Fishery Assessment and identifying specific areas for improvement. It is crucial that local stakeholders including industry, government, relevant NGOs and other interested parties take ownership of this work from the start to ensure longevity of improvements. This is what the Fishery Improvement Project is about. Once the main improvement objectives and an associated action plan for the fishery have been established, including relevant stakeholder responsibilities and commitments, the production facilities and interested parties submit an application for the FIP to MarinTrust.

Consultation and confirmation of intent to apply to the programme with MarinTrust prior to any new application is required.

There is then a comprehensive application process and progress monitoring with third-party peer reviews and the MarinTrust Improver Programme Application Committee, or IPAC. The IPAC is an objective-based multi-stakeholder group. Its function is to maintain a robust and credible application and review process and ensure that only progressive and committed applicants are accepted onto the programme.

A marine ingredient production facility wishing to use the MarinTrust Improver Programme claim must pass a MarinTrust audit for that facility and be part of an accepted Fishery Improvement Project. Once a facility is accepted onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme, information of the facility is listed on the Improver Programme Accepted facility page of the MarinTrust website and it must continue to comply with the MarinTrust audit requirements every year for the duration of the FIP.

The MarinTrust Improver Programme is recognised as part of the marine ingredient requirements in leading feed standards such as the BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices), Global GAP and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council). By helping drive change in fisheries around the world, the MarinTrust Improver Programme is a key step in this direction.

Marine ingredients produced using the Accepted FIP raw material may be sold as a MarinTrust Improver Programme product. This production must be segregated from any certified or non-assessed product at all times in order to maintain a claim.

Responsible sourcing and manufacturing of marine ingredients is vital to keep providing quality feed that will help produce quality food for a growing population, sustainably. 

FIP Ratings: SFP's FIP Evaluation Tool serves as a comprehensive framework for defining and evaluating Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) across a six-stage spectrum of accomplishments by integrating time-based benchmarks and assigning a corresponding letter grade A-E to highlight the pace of progress by a FIP on its workplan.

Completed FIPs:


Panama small pelagics


Approved Fishery Assessment


The Panama FIP has now been completed, the approved fishery assessment for this fishery can be found here

The following production facilities are now certified:

On-going FIPs


Ecuadorian small pelagics – SFP FIP Rating B 




Target for MarinTrust certification by 2025


Ecuador mapSFP FIP Rating: B ?

For more information about the rating visit FishSource

FIP Accepted: October 2018 
End Date: October 2025
FAO Area: 87
Gear Type: Purse seine

Fish Species  Ecuador Fish   Ecuador Fish 2  Ecuador Fish 3


  1. Decision making process on fishery management is transparent, inclusive and participatory
  2. Fishery data, species, habitats and environmental information is collected, published and publicly available.
  3. Stock assessments of relevant species to the fishery are conducted on regular bases, following scientific methodology and their results are published and publicly available.
  4. Conservations and Management Measures (CMMs) are adopted by fishery managers accordingly to the stock assessments outcomes and recommendations.
  5. Fishery interactions with ETP are registered by concerned fleets and managers adopt CMMs accordingly.

Progress Reports


PR - October 2024   6-month progress report April 2024   October 2022   October 2021   December 2020   Milestone 2019


December 2019   June 2019


Who’s involved


FIP Coordinator

JimmyName: Jimmy Anastacio-Solis

Organisation: Cámara Nacional de Pesquería (CNP)

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: (593) 99 421 8943

IP Accepted Facilities: 10 (Acceptance documents)


Exu SASeimar SADimolfin SACargill EcuadorRiveto SARosmei SAInharipac SAGaldecun SAEcuafeed SA, Borsea, Tadel, Multiproyectos S.A., Urisa, Promarvi, Likefish, Skretting, Vitapro, Biomar

Visit the FIP website for more details.

Chain of Custody: No


Application & other supporting documents


Ecuador - Fishery Assessment 2023   Ecuador - Fishery Action Plan 2023   Fishery Action Plan   Improvement Recommendation Report   Initial Fishery Assessment   

MOU Doc   Evidence


NE Atlantic Blue Whiting – SFP FIP Rating D




Target for MarinTrust certification by 2026


NEA mapSFP FIP Rating: D?

For more information about the rating visit FishSource

FIP Accepted: October 2021
End Date: October 2026

FAO Area: 27

Subareas 1–9, 12, and 14

(Northeast Atlantic and adjacent waters)

Gear Type: Pelagic trawl & purse seine

Fish Species  Blue Whiting


Established in June 2020, NAPA is a market-led approach working to improve North Atlantic pelagic fisheries management. It was formed in response to the continuing dispute over pelagic fishery quota allocations in the North East Atlantic. Over time, this dispute has resulted in annual catches well in excess of the advised level for three commercially important species: North East Atlantic mackerel, Atlanto-scandian (Norwegian Spring Spawning) herring, and North East Atlantic blue whiting.

NAPA aims to drive sustainability in these fisheries by securing an agreement on total allowable catches (TACs) in line with scientific advice, as well as long-term science-based fisheries management strategies. The group intends to tackle these issues through the establishment of a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) for mackerel and herring, and a MarinTrust FIP for blue whiting. The FIPs both serve to drive political will while holding key actors and decision-makers to account.


Latest news 


Last updated: 24th September 2024

North East Atlantic Blue Whiting Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) extended by two years onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme

Following a robust publicly available process, the North East Atlantic Blue Whiting Fishery Improvement Project (FIP), which started in 2021, has been extended by two years onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme. This results from an application submitted by the North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy (NAPA) group, which acts as the FIP coordinator.

This application was peer reviewed by a third party Certification Body fishery assessor and then thoroughly examined by MarinTrust’s Improver Programme Application Committee (IPAC) in a meeting held on the 24th September 2024. The IPAC is an objective‐based multi‐stakeholder group, representative of fishery science, fishmeal manufacturing, the food supply chain and environment. 

This extension has been granted on the condition that the FIP continues to comply with all progress reporting requirements of the MarinTrust Improver Programme (semi-annual). This decision was made in alignment with the  MarinTrust Improver Programme procedures and, with the understanding of the longer-term history and specific context.

The aim of the ongoing work within the NAPA group is to continue building a comprehensive engagement strategy with key decision-makers: industry representatives, marine ingredient companies, relevant Government representation, fisher representatives and, potentially, national or international NGOs.



Progress Reports


PR - October 2024   6-month progress report April 2024   September 2023   October 2022   April 2022


Who’s involved


Application & other supporting documents


NEA - Fishery Action Plan.png    NEA - Initial Fishery Assessment.png     MOU Doc Vietnam Evidence Docs_0.png


Indian Oil Sardine (Goa and Maharashtra) – SFP FIP Rating C




Target for MarinTrust certification


Indian FIP mapSFP FIP Rating: C?

For more information about the rating visit FishSource

FIP Accepted: October 2019
End Date: TBC (transition to V3 ongoing)

Fishing Area: State managed waters of Goa and Maharashtra

Gear Type: Purse seine

Fish Species  Mackerel   Sardine   Sardinella


M/s Omega Fishmeal & Oil Pvt. Ltd Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India started the “Fishery Improvement Project” (FIP) for Indian oil sardine along the coastal waters of Maharashtra, & Goa in 2017 and are the project coordinator of this FIP. The project’s main focus is to improve fisheries management and governance together with environmental responsibility and transparent traceability of fishery products throughout the supply chain.

This is the first FIP in India that applies to the latest version of MarinTrust Standard, which is an internationally accepted standard designed specifically for marine ingredient producers sourcing from responsible fisheries according to UN FAO requirements. This FIP will ensure the effective management of sardine resources for the development of fisheries for maximum sustainability.

The Fishery Improvement Program (FIP) is a joint effort of the Government agencies and the private parties involved in the fisheries sector. The private fishermen’s associations include Ratnadurga Macchimar Society, Ratnagiri, Adarsh Macchimar Society, Ratnagiri, ,Vasco Fishing Boat Owners Marketing Co-operative Society Ltd, Goa and  Zuari Marketing Fisheries Co-operative Society Ltd, Goa, The Govt, agencies involved in the  FIP are  Directorate of Fisheries, Goa, Department of Fisheries, Ratnagiri, College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri, Central Marine Fisheries research Institute (CMFRI), Kochi, Central Institute of fisheries Technology (CIFT) Kochi, & The Marine Products Export Development Authority, (MPEDA)

The main goals of FIP are:

  1. Fishery products must come from responsible fisheries sources and can be traceable throughout the supply chain.
  2. Supply chain must be transparent. Related information shall be clearly communicated among international buyers and all stakeholders.
  3. The implementation of effective fisheries management that prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing and overfishing as well as the protection of the wider marine ecosystem.
  4. The development of a credible monitoring and traceability system that reduces IUU fishing and protects those that respect the rules.

Progress Reports


6-month progress report April 2024   September 2023   May 2023   Milestone 2022   AR 2022   Workshop May 2022


AR 2021   October 2020


Who’s involved



Name: Amol Patil

Organisation: Omega Fishmeal and Oil Pvt Ltd

Email: [email protected]

Participants: (MOU documents)

IP Accepted Facilities: 2 (Acceptance documents)

Chain of Custody: No


Application & other supporting documents


India - Fishery Action Plan.png    India - Initial Fishery Assessment.png    MOU Doc Vietnam Evidence Docs_0.png


Mauritanian small pelagics – SFP FIP Rating A




Target for MarinTrust certification by 2028


Mauritania FIP mapSFP FIP Rating: A ?

For more information about the rating visit FishSource

FIP Accepted: October 2019
End Date: December 2028

FAO Area: 34

Gear Type: Purse seine

Fish Species  Mackerel   Sardine   Sardinella


The Mauritania small pelagics FIP has focused on working with scientists to improve data collection on the fishery, landings and stocks, in order to improve our knowledge of stock status and hence enable management to make informed, sustainable decisions. To this end, we have supported data collection on board, at landing sites and in our participating factories. We have also contributed to the fishery management plan, which is in the process of review and revision, emphasising the importance of science and sustainability. In the immediate future, we are planning to continue this work, but also turn our focus towards understanding bycatch and the ecosystem more widely. All our participants and stakeholders are aware that these small pelagic populations, and the ecosystem on which they depend, provide a source of food and livelihood for millions across the region, so we are also working on a social component, to ensure that the impact of our fishery is positive socially as well as environmentally.


Latest news


Last updated - 25th September 2024

Mauritania Small Pelagics Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) extended until December 2028 onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme

Following a robust process publicly available, the Mauritania Small pelagics Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) has been extended onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme until December 2028. This results from an application submitted by the FIP coordinators.

This application was peer reviewed by a third party Certification Body fishery assessor and then thoroughly examined by MarinTrust’s Improver Programme Application Committee (IPAC) in a meeting held on the 24th September 2024. The IPAC is an objective‐based multi‐stakeholder group, representative of fishery science, fishmeal manufacturing, the food supply chain and environment. 

This extension has been granted on the condition that the FIP continues to comply with all progress reporting requirements of the MarinTrust Improver Programme (semi-annual). This decision was made in alignment with the MarinTrust Improver Programme procedures and reflects the good progress made by the FIP since it started in 2019, working towards certification against the MarinTrust Factory Standard.


Progress reports 


PR - October 2024   6-month progress report April 2024   September 2023   October 2022   October 2021   Assessment April 2021

October 2020


Who’s involved



Jo GName: Jo Gascoigne

Organisation: Olvea

Email: [email protected]



Cheikh-bayeName: Braham Cheikh Baye

Organisation: Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches.





Participants: (MOU documents)

IP Accepted Facilities: 2 (Acceptance documents)

Chain of Custody: 1

Olvea – Winterisaton Mauritania


Application & other supporting documents


Mauritania - Fishery Action Plan 2021.png     Mauritania - Fishery Action Plan.png      Mauritania - Initial Fishery Assessment.png      MOU Doc Vietnam Evidence Docs_0.png


Gulf of Thailand Mixed-Trawl (multispecies pilot) – SFP FIP Rating C




Working towards MarinTrust certification for marine ingredient production sites as part of the Multispecies pilot project


Thailand FIP mapSFP FIP Rating: C ?

FIP Accepted: October 2020
End Date: TBC

Fishing Area: Gulf of Thailand

Gear Type: Paired trawl, Otter board trawl & Beam trawl

Fish Species  Mixed trawl


The MarinTrust programme in collaboration with South East Asian multispecies fisheries, including the Gulf of Thailand, are developing a fishery assessment method to allow them to demonstrate responsible management. Using the MarinTrust Improver Programme structure, Thai fishmeal producers, government representatives and other stakeholders, are working towards demonstrating responsibility of the Gulf of Thailand mixed-trawl fishery. By testing the developing multispecies fishery assessment against these fisheries, MarinTrust aim to produce an assessment process that can be incorporated into the main MarinTrust Standard and therefore increase accessibility to the programme.


Progress reports


PR - August 2024 1    PR - August 2024 2   January 2024 1   January 2024 2   September 2023 Part 1   September 2023 Part 2   December 2022


Who's involved 



VorapongName: Vorapong Iamtrakul and Komprat Boodsri

Organisation: Thai Sustainable Fisheries Roundtable (TSFR)

Email: [email protected][email protected]

Participants: (MOU documents)

IP Accepted Facilities: 4 (Acceptance documents)

Chain of Custody: No


Application & other supporting documents


Thailand - Fishery Action Plan.png     Thailand - Initial Fishery Assessment_0.png      MOU DocVietnam Evidence Docs_0.png


Vung Tau trawl, Vietnam (multispecies pilot) – SFP FIP Rating B




Working towards MarinTrust certification for marine ingredient production sites as part of the Multispecies pilot project 


Vietnam FIP mapSFP FIP Rating: B?

For more information about the rating visit FishSource

FIP Accepted: February 2022
End Date: TBC

FAO area: 71

Gear Type: Paired trawl & Otter board trawl

Fish Species  Mixed trawl


The MarinTrust programme in collaboration with South East Asian multispecies fisheries, including the Vung Tau fishery in Vietnam, are developing a fishery assessment method to allow them to demonstrate responsible management. Using the MarinTrust Improver Programme structure, fishmeal producers, government representatives and other stakeholders, are working towards demonstrating responsibility of the Vung Tau multispecies fishery. By testing the developing multispecies fishery assessment against these fisheries, MarinTrust aim to produce an assessment process that can be incorporated into the main MarinTrust Standard and therefore increase accessibility to the programme.


Progress Reports


Vung Tau 2024   6-month report August 2023   May 23   AR 2022   

VT Fisher profile 2022   Stakeholder meeting 2022_1.png    August 2022_1.png


Who’s involved



KimName: Thanh Nguyen

Organisation: Kim Delta Vietnam

Email: [email protected]

Participants: (MOU documents)

IP Accepted Facilities: 1 (Acceptance documents)

Chain of Custody: No


Application & other supporting documents


Vietnam Initial Fishery assessment doc_0.png     Vietnam revised FAP and workplan_0.png     Vietnam Evidence Docs_0.png     Vietnam MOU Doc_0.png


Small Pelagic Purse Seine Fisheries, Karnataka State FIP




Target for MarinTrust certification by 2029


Indian FIP mapSFP FIP Rating: TBC


FIP Accepted: March 2024
End Date: March 2029

Fishing Area: State managed waters of Karnataka and adjacent national waters

Gear Type: Purse seine

Fish Species  Mackerel   Sardine   Sardinella


To promote sustainable fisheries in Karnataka State, India, and align with international standards, Yashaswi Marine Ingredients initiated the Small Pelagic Purse Seine Fisheries, Karnataka State Fishery Improvement Project. This initiative aims to enhance fisheries management in the region by bringing together key stakeholders from both the public and private sectors. Collectively, they are committed to implementing the Fisheries Action Plan (FAP) recognized by MarinTrust, fostering collaborative efforts to ensure the long-term sustainability of the fishery resources in Karnataka.


The Small Pelagic Purse Seine Fisheries, Karnataka State FIP was accepted onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme on the condition that:

  • The FIP shows commitment to communicating and collaborating with other FIPs in the region operating on shared stocks.
  • The FIP provides further details on the supply chain for the fishery (how different species are used) when a clearer picture is known from the stock assessment work or other learnings.
  • The FIP provides further information about any legislative restrictions on the use of any of the species in the FIP scope for marine ingredient production in the country or state.

Progress Reports


Karnataka 6 months


Who’s involved



NimnualName: Dr. Nimnual Piewthongngam

Organisation: Eurasia Silk Road Company Limited

Email: [email protected]

Participants: (MOU documents)

IP Accepted Facilities: 2 (Acceptance documents)


Application & other supporting documents


Vietnam Initial Fishery assessment doc_0.png Fishery Action Plan    MOU DocVietnam Evidence Docs_0.png