This assurance is a key pillar of the credibility of our programme. It protects the integrity of the claims made by certificate holders. 

The programme achieves this by guidelines which describe the rules pertaining to the use (and penalties for the misuse) of the MarinTrust logo, the MarinTrust Statement and any associated claims.

Any instances of alleged or suspected misrepresentation and misuse of MarinTrust branding and claims, either by certificate holders or non-certified entities, will be investigated by the MarinTrust Secretariat and/or the applicable Certification Body (CB) and treated with the upmost seriousness.

1. Logo and claims guidelines

The MarinTrust logo shall only be displayed on physical certificates that are issued upon a successful audit – where the address of the audited facility is included, indicating that it is certified.

Certified facilities wishing to use the MarinTrust Logo must do so in line with the MarinTrust Brand Guidelines and send artwork for approval to [email protected] prior to use.

Only certificate holders listed on the MarinTrust website may use the MarinTrust branding and make a claim of certification.

The use of the MarinTrust logo or claims of certification may only be used in connection with products originating from Approved MarinTrust Fisheries or by-products, or, compliant material providers as part of the Chain of Custody Certificate.

All Certified facilities and CoC Certified facilities wishing to use the MarinTrust logo must have first signed and returned the MarinTrust Licence Agreement and Claims Policy to the MarinTrust secretariat. The certificate holder will then become a Logo & Claims Licensee and must abide by a License and Claims Policy.

  • Companies that have previously been associated with our standards but have since had their certificates withdrawn are not permitted to use the MarinTrust logo or continue to make claims.
  • Acceptance to our Improver Programme does not authorise participating companies to use MarinTrust branding or claim any certification. They may however make a claim of MarinTrust Improver Programme Accepted status

In order to make a claim, the site must be listed in the MarinTrust Improver Programme Accepted facilities list on the MarinTrust website, and they must also be listed as a stakeholder in a MarinTrust accepted Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) on the MarinTrust website. All Improver Programme Accepted facilities must sign the MarinTrust Improver Programme Accepted Facilities Claims Agreement.


2. What MarinTrust is doing to protect the integrity of the logo

Random checks are done on a regular basis and  surveillance activities are undertaken where there is a potential higher risk of misrepresentation with regards to the use of MarinTrust branding and claims. 


3. What you can do to protect the integrity of the logo

Protecting the integrity of the logo is in all certificate holders and marine ingredients stakeholders’ interest. Where you detect evidence of misrepresentation, we invite you to contact us at [email protected]

After investigation by MarinTrust, and if no corrective actions have been implemented, actions are undertaken.

On a quarterly basis random checks are done on a selection of certificate holders.