Certification status information
Please refer to the Suspension and withdrawal of certification or IP Acceptance status page for a list of currently suspended or withdrawn certificates.
General information
Below is a list, by country, of facilities approved to the MarinTrust Standard. Click on the name to view the certificate.
All recertification applications must be sent to MarinTrust for approval 6 month prior to the certificate expiry date.
Anyone wishing to notify MarinTrust of changes or additions to their scope must submit scope extension applications at least 3 months prior to scheduled audits.
If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].
Note: This list is regularly updated. If a facility claims to be MarinTrust certified, but does not appear on the list, then the certificate may have been removed or withdrawn.
Alimentos Marinos SA
Alimentos Pesqueros SPA
Camanchaca Pesca Sur SA
Compañia Pesquera Camanchaca SA
Fiordo Austral SA
- Fiordo Austral Graneros SA (issue date: 24/10/2022, expiry date: 19/10/2025)
- Fiordo Austral Aquaprotein (issue date: 24/11/2023, expiry date: 24/11/2026)
- Fiordo Austral Glaciares (issue date: 10/08/2022, expiry date: 18/09/2025)
- Fiordo Austral Salmonoil (issue date: 10/08/2022, expiry date: 11/09/2025)
- Fiordo Austral Pesquera (issue date: 16/03/2023, expiry date: 22/04/2026)
FoodCorp Chile S.A
Lota Protein SA
Pesquera La Portada SA
Sociedad Pesquera Landes SA
Seatech International Inc
Côte d'Ivoire
Marine Biotechnology Products Côte d'Ivoire
Manabita de Comercio SA – Mancorsacom
Marine Protein Marprot S.A.
Productos Pesqueros SA Produpes
Universal de Comercio S.A. Unicorsa
El Salvador
Calvo Conservas El Salvador S.A. de C.V.
Eesti Kalatootjate Keskühistu
Faroe Islands
Faroe Marine Products
Skinney Thinganes hf
PT. Pahala Bahari Nusantara
Association "Organization of Fishery Producers of Kurzeme"
Aquaculture Resources Ltd
Marine Biotechnology Products Ltd
Guaymas Protein Company SA
Industrias Barda SA de CV
Maz Industrial SA de CV
Pacifico Industrial SA de CV
Productos Pesqueros de Guaymas SA de CV
Sardinas de Sonora SA de CV
Serconomar SA de CV
Alpha Atlantique De Sahara Marocaine SA
Laayoune Proteine
Protein and Oil Industry
Lofoten Biomarine AS
Mowi Markets Norway AS
Pelagia AS
- Pelagia Egersund Sildoljefrabrikk (issue date 20/03/2024, expiry date: 20/03/2027)
- Pelagia Hordafôr Salthella (issue date 21/01/2025, expiry date: 21/01/2028)
- Pelagia Karmsund Fiskemel (issue date 12/06/2024, expiry date: 12/06/2027)
- Pelagia Karmsund Protein (issue date 24/01/2025, expiry date: 24/01/2028)
- Pelagia Måløy Sildoljefabrikk (issue date 12/06/2024, expiry date: 12/06/2027)
Scanbio Ingredients AS
TripleNine Vedde AS
Procesadora Bayano S.A.
Compañia Pesquera del Pacifico Centro SA
Corporacion Pesquera Inca SAC (COPEINCA)
- Bayovar (issue date: 07/07/2024, expiry date: 06/07/2027)
- Chancay (issue date: 20/07/2024, expiry date: 19/07/2027)
- Chicama Norte (issue date: 22/05/2024, expiry date: 31/05/2025)
- Chicama Sur (issue date: 11/07/2024, expiry date: 10/07/2027)
- Chimbote (issue date: 09/10/2024, expiry date: 06/07/2025)
- Chimbote Norte (issue date: 24/07/2024, expiry date: 23/07/2027)
- Supe (issue date: 12/07/2024, expiry date: 04/02/2027)
- Tambo de Mora (issue date: 17/06/2022, expiry date: 16/06/2025)
Pesquera Cantabria S.A.
Pesquera Capricornio SA
Pesquera Caral SA
Pesquera Exalmar SA
Pesquera Jada S.A.
Tecnologica de Alimentos SA (TASA)
- Callao (issue date: 12/09/2024, expiry date: 11/09/2027)
- Chimbote (issue date: 13/03/2025, expiry date: 13/03/2028)
- Pisco Sur (issue date: 01/08/2022, expiry date: 31/07/2025)
- Malabrigo (issue date: 30/06/2024, expiry date: 29/06/2027)
- Matarani (issue date: 21/03/2023, expiry date: 20/03/2026)
- Samanco (issue date: 13/03/2025, expiry date: 14/03/2028)
- Supe (issue date: 16/03/2025, expiry date: 15/03/2028)
- Vegueta (issue date: 12/09/2024, expiry date: 11/09/2027)