As of 1st December 2021, the transition period has ended for the CoC V1.1 to CoC V2.
All current CoC Certificate Holders due surveillance or recertification audits must now be audited against Version 2 of the MarinTrust Chain of Custody Standard.
All new applicants must apply to the new Version 2 of the MarinTrust Chain of Custody Standard.
Development of the MarinTrust Chain of Custody Standard V2.0
It has been 5 years since the last review and in order to maintain the credibility and relevancy of the MarinTrust Chain of Custody Standard, comply with internationally recognised credentials such as ISEAL and ISO 17065 as well as satisfying market requirements, the MarinTrust Governing Body Committee agreed with the proposal to undertake the development of the new MarinTrust Chain of Custody version.
This standard has been developed using a multi stakeholder consultation process with the support of technical experts and consultants. In addition, it has been tested on feed manufacturers, oil refiners, storage facilities and traders in China, Thailand, Peru and Chile to understand what the impact on current certificate holders to the new standard might be. This public consultation period will offer the chance for additional stakeholders to input into the further development of the standard.
The MarinTrust Chain of Custody V2.0 – Key Differences:
- Introduction of new clauses that include supplier approval and monitoring systems including traders, agents / brokers with batch control (KDEs), HACCP/VACCP/TACCP with greater emphasis on material origin.
- Reduced section due to similarities with other clauses in Sec. 1, revised clauses covering mass balance, labelling and segregation in all different activities such as initial storage, processing, final dispatch, final storage, delivery for client, etc
- Introduction of subcontractor criteria - evaluation and documented control of subcontractors, mass balance exercises and product integrity
- Strengthened clauses on the use of the MarinTrust Logo and Claim - label verification and control over the use of the MarinTrust logo or claim
- Introduction of requirements of documented training systems for relevant staff members
The proposed Terms of Reference (ToR) for the development of the new version of the MarinTrust Chain of Custody standard V2.0 opened for a 30 Public Consultation on 18th September 2018, and closed for comment on 18th October 2018. To download the complete ToR, simply visit the downloads section on this page.
The proposed principal objectives of Version 2.0:
- To continue to meet the objectives set in the development of Version 1 of the MarinTrust CoC Standard
- To prevent non MarinTrust compliant product being labelled as MarinTrust.
- To ensure that MarinTrust CoC v2 remains relevant, robust and fit for purpose.
The Main Version 2.0 Key Development Activities:
- To conduct an impact assessment on current MarinTrust CoC Standard holders to determine what affect these proposed new criteria will have on their capability to comply with the new standard
- To develop a new set of MarinTrust CoC conformance criteria to take into account TACCP and VACCP criteria to try and mitigate fraudulent acts and enhance traceability assurance within a supply chain entity
- To develop a new set of MarinTrust CoC conformance criteria to take into account mass balance calculations to verify the volume of certified material as it is processed or handled by the supply chain
- To develop a new set of MarinTurst CoC conformance criteria to take into account better controls on the use of the MarinTrust Logo and claim and the withdrawal of non-compliant MarinTrust complaint fish meal and fish oil
- To develop a new set of MarinTrust CoC conformance criteria to take into account ILO conventions (e.g. 29, 105, 138) to assess the social and welfare rights of employees within the CoC.
- To develop a new set of MarinTrust CoC conformance criteria to take into account the environment impacts (e.g. waste management) of the participating client.
60 day Public Consultation :
MarinTrust invited stakeholders to provide input on the draft V2.0 Chain of Custody Standard which opened for 60 day public consultation until21st December 2019. Comments and responses will be made available here.