Learn more about the Improver Programme, its impacts and how to apply, by watching the video below:
If you have any questions about any information on this page, please contact [email protected]. For any press enquiries, please contact [email protected].
- Gain recognition for marine ingredients produced using Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) raw material.
- Demonstrate compliance to the MarinTrust Standard (with the exception of the whole fish raw material source)
- Demonstrate commitment to sourcing from FIPs where there is no approved fish available.
- Demonstrate commitment to work towards certification of marine ingredient production.
There are two requirements for applicants wishing to be MarinTrust Improver Programme accepted:
- The marine ingredient production facility must be a signed stakeholder in, and be sourcing from, an accepted MarinTrust FIP.
- The production facility must pass a MarinTrust audit by a third-party certification body using MarinTrust Accepted FIP raw material.
- Gain recognition for sourcing IP marine ingredients produced using FIP raw material.
- Demonstrate commitment to sourcing from producers using FIP raw material.
- Demonstrate commitment to traceability of IP products produced using FIP raw material.
I am a feed producer using marine ingredients:
- The MarinTrust IP can allow producers to demonstrate traceability of IP material from the fishery to the marine ingredient producers.
- If a company has CoC certification they can also demonstrate continued traceability of that IP product.
How can a feed mill sourcing from a marine ingredient production facility apply to use MarinTrust Improver Programme products?
- Be a signed stakeholder in the MarinTrust Accepted FIP and/or
- Demonstrate commitment to sourcing from an improving fishery by becoming MarinTrust Chain of Custody Certified (V2.0).
The full application process for MarinTrust Chain of Custody V2.0 can be found here
Click here to enlarge the below image.

- If you are sourcing from a MarinTrust IP production facility, this provides assurances that that facility is sourcing from a MarinTrust Accepted FIP and has successfully passed a MarinTrust audit using that raw material.
- The MarinTrust IP claim can only be used further along the supply chain if the companies along that supply chain have MarinTrust CoC V2.0 which provides the assurance that that product has not been mixed or anything has been added to it following the original production.
I am involved with a fishery sourcing into the marine ingredient supply chain, what are the benefits of the IP?
The MarinTrust IP provides assurances that the raw material entering the supply chain is fully traceable from the fishery.
It also provides a defined pathway for the fishery to work towards approval and be used as a raw material for certified marine ingredients. The MarinTrust fishery assessment allows fisheries to demonstrate responsible fisheries management based on meeting the requirements laid out in the FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF, http://www.fao.org/3/a-v9878e.pdf).
To get involved in the MarinTrust Improver Programme, the first step is to start a discussion with your buyers to identify the market needs and requirements of your raw material. Once these relationships have been built you can contact MarinTrust who can provide detailed information about the programme, the requirements and the benefits. Full details of the application process can be found here.