A facility MUST be listed below to make a claim as part of the Improver Programme, as well as being a stakeholder in a listed MarinTrust accepted FIP here. At least one production facility MUST pass a MarinTrust audit within 12 months of the sourcing FIP being accepted onto the programme, otherwise the FIP may be removed from the programme.

Facilities on this list may not use the MarinTrust logo, but may sell products as MarinTrust Improver Programme material. MarinTrust may provide a letter of acceptance to the programme as proof if required, although the list below should be deemed acceptable. Please review the MarinTrust Improver Programme Accepted Sites Claims Agreement for more details on this.

All IP facilities must comply with a regular audit cycle, and arrange audits at least 60 days in advance. The MarinTrust audit frequency is:

  • Initial factory audit in year 1
  • Annual surveillance audits in years 2 and 3

NB: The list below is regularly updated. If an establishment claiming to be on the Improver Programme does not appear on the list, then it may not have been accepted, or have had its acceptance suspended or withdrawn.


FF Skagen A/S (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

TripleNine Thyborøn A/S (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)


Dimolfin S.A. (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

Ecuafeed S.A. (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

Empresa Pesquera Polar S.A. (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

EXU S.A. (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

Fortidex SA (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

NIRSA S.A (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

Pesquera Herco S.A (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

Productos Pesqueros S.A Produpes (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

Rosmei S.A. (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

Seimar SA (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP) SUSPENDED

URISA S.A. (Ecuadorian small pelagics FIP)

Faroe Islands

Faroe Marine Products (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

P/F Havsbrun (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)


Brim hf (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

Eskja h.f (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

Isfelag Vestmannaeyja hf. (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

Loðnuvinnslan hf. (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

Sildarvinnslan hf (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

Skinney-Thinganes hf. (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

Vinnslustöðin hf (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)


Omega Fishmeal and Oil Pvt Ltd (Indian Oil Sardine FIP (Goa and Maharashtra))

TJ Marine Products PVT Ltd (Indian Oil Sardine FIP (Goa and Maharashtra))

Yashaswi Fish Meal & Oil Company (Small Pelagic Purse Seine Fisheries, Karnataka State FIP)


Bio-Marine Ingredients Ireland Ltd (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

Pelagia Killybegs (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)


Mah El Turk - SARL (Mauritanian small pelagics FIP)

OMAURCI SA (Mauritanian small pelagics FIP)


Prima Protein AS (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

TripleNine Vedde AS (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)


Piyo Bhokabhan Co., Ltd. (Gulf of Thailand mixed-trawl FIP - part of the multispecies pilot project)

Saengcharoen Wattana Fishery Co., Ltd. (Gulf of Thailand mixed-trawl FIP - part of the multispecies pilot project)

Sirisaengarumpee Co.,Ltd (Gulf of Thailand mixed-trawl FIP - part of the multispecies pilot project)

Southeast Asian Packaging and Canning Ltd. (Gulf of Thailand mixed-trawl FIP - part of the multispecies pilot project)

United Kingdom

Lunar FPR Ltd (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)

Pelagia Aberdeen (NE Atlantic Blue Whiting FIP)


Phuc Loc Vung Tau Company Limited (Vung Tau trawl, Vietnam FIP) SUSPENDED