MarinTrust Programme has been structured to the required level of consistency, assurance and credibility with the support of our Quality Management System (QMS), a set of coordinated activities to direct and control our process.

Our QMS outlines how we document our processes, responsibilities and procedures with the aim of ensuring that applicants to the MarinTrust programme are certified in a consistent and timely manner while maintaining ISO/IEC accreditation status and ISEAL Code Compliant.

MarinTrust Certification requirements are defined in series of documents. These documents provide specific requirements, guidelines and procedures to ensure consistency and compliance to the MarinTrust Programme.

Our QMS provides confidence in the ability of MarinTrust to deliver the desired services, consistently meeting the needs and expectations of stakeholders as well as regulatory requirements and  continually improving the effectiveness and efficiency of our programme performance consistently.


In order to ensure consistency when carrying out standard setting and development activities in relation to all MarinTrust standards, MarinTrust has a Standard Development Procedure which covers all areas such as new standard development as well as review and revision of existing standards. 

MarinTrust Certification Body approval process documented procedures

MarinTrust Certification Body procedures for conducting and certifying applicants for the MarinTrust programme

MarinTrust approved training requirements for Certification Body and MarinTrust Secretariat

MarinTrust approved public interpretation guidance 

Fishery and by-product fishery assessment

Factory audit

MarinTrust approved report templates

  • MarinTrust Factory Audit Report Template - For Version 2.0 of the MarinTrust Standard (FAC1)
  • MarinTrust Factory Audit Report Template - For Version 3 of the MarinTrust Standard (TEM-001)
  • MarinTrust Chain of Custody V2.0 Factory Audit Report template (FAC2)
  • MarinTrust By-product fishery assessment report template (FISH1 - V2.3) Effective from 26 October 2022
  • MarinTrust Whole fish fishery assessment report template (FISH2 - V2.2) 
  • MarinTrust Whole fish fishery assessment report template (TEM-002 - V3.0)