In order to maintain the credibility and relevancy of the standard, the MarinTrust Governing Body Committee has ratified a proposal to review and enhance the programme through the development of ‘Version 3.0’. The Terms of Reference for its development are ready for Public Consultation and comments can be sent to [email protected] or via our website for a period of 30 days beginning 12 November 2020.

The current MarinTrust standard (version 2.0) has over 150 certified factories utilising over
15 approved whole fish fisheries and over 100 approved by-product fish species.

The MarinTrust certification process includes the fishery assessment (sourcing of marine raw materials), and the factory audit (processing of raw materials). The development of Version 3.0 includes a thorough review of all these key stages, including:

- strengthening the MarinTrust Fisheries Assessment Criteria for raw materials (whole fish and by-products) used for the production of compliant marine ingredients

- providing an increased assurance to the traceability and integrity of MarinTrust products

- taking into consideration good manufacturing practices for production that is intended for human consumption

- assessing the environmental impact of the marine ingredients manufacturing process

- creating improved social and welfare benefits for all workers employed within the marine ingredients manufacturing sector

- evaluating extending the scope to include human rights criteria for vessels supplying whole fish to the marine ingredients manufacturing sector.

Francisco Aldon, CEO of MarinTrust, explains: “Stakeholder consultation is an important part of the standard development process in order to ensure relevancy within the marine ingredient value chain. The standard has already undergone many developments since its first version launched in 2009. It will keep improving in order to reflect the evolving demands of the industry and the customers in terms of product integrity and traceability. It is also critical that it includes tools to assess the environmental and social impacts generated by the industry”.


Francisco Aldon

[email protected]

About MarinTrust (

MarinTrust (formerly IFFO RS), is the leading independent business to business certification programme for the marine ingredient value chain, consisting of:

- the MarinTrust for Responsible Supply,
- the MarinTrust Chain of Custody for Responsible Supply
- and the MarinTrust Improver Programme.

Since opening for application in October 2009, over 150 plants in 27 different countries have gained MarinTrust certification and over 50% of the worlds combined production of marine ingredients is MarinTrust compliant.

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